The #market is divided into two categories based on the source: animal and #microbiological. The market for #animal #rennet is an established and customary one. Depending on whether the rennet is from a lamb or a calf, the animal rennet market can be further divided. In the microbial rennet industry, #rDNA from a plant or microbial source is used to create animal rennet. It's brand-new compared to the first two.
The #market is divided into two categories based on the source: animal and #microbiological. The market for #animal #rennet is an established and customary one. Depending on whether the rennet is from a lamb or a calf, the animal rennet market can be further divided. In the microbial rennet industry, #rDNA from a plant or microbial source is used to create animal rennet. It's brand-new compared to the first two.